Recent Projects & Clients


European Commission &
Indian Ocean Commission

Regional Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Coastal Zone of the Countries of the Indian Ocean’ (9 ACP RSA 20)

2007 - 2011

Responsibilities and Outputs: Regional ICZM Co-ordinator Western Indian Ocean Region

Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania and Zanzibar, Mozambique, South-Africa


  • National ICZM Strategies, Policy Development and Legislation
  • National ICZM Plans
  • Regional ICZM Policy Consensus in the South-western Indian Ocean (SWIO)
  • Development of National ICZM Structures, Institutions and Sector Frameworks
  • Integration of Non-state Actors into ICZM through a Special 9th EDF Grant Scheme (€ 6.5 Mio.)
  • Development of an international ICZM Knowledge Management System (KMS)
  • National Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
  • Regional and national standardisation of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
  • Negotiation, management and implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA)
  • Support to International and National Development Programmes and Organisations in the SWIO Region
  • General programme M&E
  • Development of training and capacity building tools to ICZM and Fisheries Programmes
  • Technical and administrative Programme and Project M&E (65 individual projects of < â‚¬ 100,000 in 7 countries)
  • Supervision and monitoring of personnel and staff: 1 ICZM Administrative Assistant & 6 National ICZM Officers


European Commission Joint Evaluation Unit

EuropeAid Co-operation Office, Directorate General for Development, and
External Relations Directorate-General

Evaluation of the Commission’s support to the ACP Pacific region from 1997 to 2006 (7th to 9th EDF) (EuropeAid/119887/C/SV/Multi)


Responsibilities and Outputs: Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Expert

Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu


  • Evaluation of comprehensiveness, effectiveness and efficiency of EC-supported interventions at Pacific regional and national ACP levels
  • Pacific ACP Regional Indicative Programme (RIP)
  • EC Country Strategy Evaluations
  • Evaluation of Lessons-learned to be integrated into 10th EDF Programming
  • EU-PACP Fishery Co-operations
  • EU Common Fishery Policy (CFP)
  • Exemplary in-depth EC Programme Evaluation and Preparation of a Country Note for the Solomon Islands
  • Exemplary in-depth EC Programme Evaluation and Preparation of a Country Fishery Sector Note for Vanuatu


European Commission

Coastal Habitats and Resources Management Programme (CHARM/THA/RELEX/2000/0050)
Environmental Profile and Coastal Development Baseline


Responsibilities and Outputs: Senior Expert in Integrated Coastal Zone Management



  • Recommendations for sector-specific development measures: Fisheries, CRM, Planning
  • Environmental Profile and Evaluation of Coastal Resource Use Zoning
  • Definition of coastal zone units for area-specific management
  • Evaluation of coastal planning strategies of Thai authorities
  • Integrated data analysis and evaluation
  • Evaluation of the coastal Sensitivity and Vulnerability Mapping Tool developed for Thailand
  • Development of local monitoring schemes and information networks


AFC Consultants International

Global ICZM Programme Evaluation


Responsibilities and Outputs: Senior Expert in Integrated Coastal Zone Management


  • Evaluation of procurement opportunities based on current and future regional and national donor development strategies
  • Central and Eastern Europe, South-east Europe, Central Asia, Middle East


AFC Consultants International

Feasibility Study & Design ‘Community-based Forestry and Mangrove Management Programme’


Responsibilities and Outputs: Senior Expert in Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Panay and Negros Islands, Philippines


  • Project Feasibility Assessment
  • Preparation of Project Proposal
  • ICZM, Mangrove Reforestation, Coastal Watershed Management, Organisational Structure Development


European Commission

Coastal Habitats and Resources Management Programme
Post-disaster Response Co-ordination


Responsibilities and Outputs: Coastal Post Disaster Restoration Expert



  • Evaluation of the post-tsunami response of RTG Authorities
  • Coastal Private Sector Recovery
  • Reduction of institutional obstacles, and Improvement of administrative interaction with Thai authorities
  • Development and launch of a ‘Long-term Coastal Monitoring Programme along the Thai Andaman Coastline’
  • Information Networking
  • Integrated Organisational Structure Development
  • M&E Stakeholder Training


German Government Post-Tsunami Aid Co-ordination Desk

Establishing and Technical Co-ordination of the German National Service Desk for Communal Co-operation after the 2004 Tsunami Event


Responsibilities and Outputs: Technical Head Co-ordination Desk

Germany, Europe, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Somalia, Tanzania, Madagascar, Kenya


  • Head Organisational Management
  • Operational budget > € 100 Mio.
  • Disaster Recovery and Restoration in the regions
  • HRM & HRD: Supervision of 28 full-time personnel and co-ordination of associated support staff in Government departments
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of the response capacity and performance of regional bodies, national authorities as well as NSAs in the tsunami region
  • Co-ordination of M&E Activities of national and international entities and integration of data and findings into a Response Matrix and Mid-term Restoration Master Plan
  • Evaluation of ongoing and projected IO, GO and NSA tsunami-response activities leading to recommendations to the German and other European Governments


European Commission

European Union RECONNECT Programme


Responsibilities and Outputs: Senior ICZM Programme Developer

Fiji, Tonga, Brazil, Mauritania, Thailand, Philippines, Germany, UK, France


  • Development of an international 2-year seminar programme in ICZM and Coastal Resources Management
  • Capacity Building
  • Information Networking
  • Integration of Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
  • M&E of ICZM and Fishery Management Capacities of national authorities participating in the programme


European Commission

Coastal Habitats and Resources Management Programme
Development of School Curricula in Marine Ecology and Coastal Resources Management


Responsibilities and Outputs: Senior Expert in Integrated Coastal Zone Management



  • Curriculum, Lesson Plans, Teaching Guidelines, Teaching Aids
  • Marine and Coastal Biology and Ecology
  • Coastal Environmental Conservation
  • Civil Society Participation in ICZM



FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF)
Development of Training Modules


Responsibilities and Outputs:
Expert in UN Law of the Sea, EU Common Fishery Policy and Fishery Programme Development

SE-Asia, focussing on Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia during Phase I


  • Development of regional Asian and national CCRF training modules
  • International Conventions & UN Law of the Sea
  • Fishery Management Strategies
  • Capacity Building, IOSD


Government of the Philippines, ENRD, UNDP, GTZ, DED, MISEREOR

Synergistic Management of Coastal Resources Programme (SYMCOR)


Responsibilities and Outputs: Team Leader and Programme Coordinator



  • Institutional and Organisational Structure Development (IOSD) of Fishery and CRM Entities
  • Senior ICZM and Fishery Advisory Functions to Government Authorities
  • National and regional Co-management Schemes
  • Consolidation and establishingt of stakeholder associations
  • Establishing and operationalising of 19 Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
  • Coastal Policy Development and Planning Processes
  • Coastal Zoning and Planning
  • Watershed Management, Reforestation, Slope Agriculture, Coastal Tourism, Fisheries, Aquaculture
  • Capacity Building and Training
  • Sensitisation and Awareness Building
  • ICZM M&E, Intra- and Inter-agency Responsibility Matrices, Log Frames, Performance Indicators
  • ‘Aquanaut’ Monitoring Programme of Coral Reef Ecosystems
  • Artisanal Fisheries Monitoring Programmes




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